Sneak Peak: NYC Apartment Management Checklist Digital Edition RELEASED!
New for 2024, the NYC Apartment Management Checklist is available as a mobile-enabled digital edition that makes it quick and easy to navigate to individual chapters--or simply enter a search term to find the topic throughout the book. Choose from 3 Format Options: Print & Digital, Digital Only, or Print Only
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DOB No-Penalty Inspection Program Returns with Expanded Offering
For the first year ever, DOB has added building facades, boilers, and private elevators to the inspection program. During the scheduled inspection DOB inspectors will also be available to discuss any additional building concerns that the property owners may have, and direct them on how to obtain additional assistance from the Department.
Co-op & Condo Case Watch: Timing Is Everything
The Bakers owned a penthouse apartment at 16 Sutton Place, which included the exclusive use of a terrace that adjoined their apartment. In May 2019, the Board proposed a proprietary lease amendment that reallocated responsibility for maintenance, repair and replacement of the private terraces, and at the annual meeting on May 30, two-thirds of the shareholders consented to this change. In July 2019 the Board notified the shareholders of the new amendments. Local Law 11 façade work was scheduled to begin in April 2020, and in a March 9 letter the co-op notified the Bakers that their share of the cost of the work would be $23,991.53, to be invoiced in three equal installments.